
Notes and Photos From 2005 Nationals - Portland, Oregon
Copyright 2005 Ann Jensen - all rights reserved


Chloe Katz & Joseph Lynch, SC of New York
Tanya Aziz & Chad Brennan, SC of Boston
Catherine Rigoulot & Michael Jorgens, Charter Oak FSC/Washington FSC
Katie Boxwell & Danny Curzon, SC of New York/Coyotes SC of Arizona
Katelyn Uhlig & Colin Loomis, Ann Arbor FSC
Lucy Galleher & Justin Gaumond, Denver FSC/All Year FSC
Jenna Yount & Grant Marron, Coyotes SC of Arizona
Lindsey Seitz & Andy Seitz, Orange County FSC/FSC of the Quad-Cities
Keauna McLaughlin & Ethan Burgess, All Year FSC
Eden Delphey & Cole Davis, San Diego FSC/Escondido FSC
Julia Vlassov & Drew Meekins
Mariel Miller & Rockne Brubaker, Broadmoor SC
Aaryn Smith & Will Chitwood, Broadmoor SC
Sydney Schmidt & Christopher Pottenger, Dallas FSC

In the short program I do not trust that al the toes I have identified as double were doubles. Some may have been triples or triple attempts.

Chloe Katz & Joseph Lynch, SC of New York - Photos: Short
SP: 2 Music:Eclipse Throw 2 toe. 2 Twist - Held onto her a long time. SxS 2 axel. Very Smooth and fast.
FS: Music:Sherherazade (heard a lot of this this year).2 Twist. Throw 3 sal( hand down. Side by side 3? Toes (he fell). Footwork to Side by Side spins (cautious). Death Spiral OK. She looks "tight". 2 axel step 2 toe. She seem to be struggling in the lifts.
Tanya Aziz & Chad Brennan, SC of Boston - Photos: (Didn't come out well)
SP: 14 Music:Marching band of some kind (they are replacements and not in the program). Twist ok. SxS 2 axel - he singeled? Or their timing is way off..or both. Thow 2 toe (step out, hand down). He lost the camel spins and picked it up at the change to the sit. Lift ok.
FS: Music: Zorro. 2 Twist. Throw 2 sal. Side by side axel-toe. She did a single axel and he a double.Nice lift, simple, but fast. Side by side spins good. Throw 2 loop (landed so forward I thought her nose scraped the ice, but she held on). Nice lift with interesting handstand on the boot part. Side by side 2 flip. Deatch spirla exit was slow.
Catherine Rigoulot & Michael Jorgens, Charter Oak FSC/Washington FSC - Photos: Short
SP:12 Music: Jalouse Andalouse by N Deb Angelis. 2 Twist landed with no help from him. Fell on throw 3 toe. SxS loops (he barely hung on). Lift OK. She looked stronger than he.
FS:Music: The Rock. 1.5 Twist. Thrwo 2 toe (Fall). Side by Side toes - She popped, he 2.Then they stepped and each diod 2 toes. Lift didn't go up. Rough Pair camel. They don't seem to be able to tell where each other are. Side by side jumps - he 1, her 2? Or maybe the other way around. Star to uside down split lift. Throw 2 loop. Footwork was in synch. Scarey upside down pres lift.
Katie Boxwell & Danny Curzon, SC of New York/Coyotes SC of Arizona - Photos: Short
SP:11 Music: Lezginka. 2 Twist. SxS 2 loop (his off). Sxs spins in synch, but matched in position. Fell on throw - I missed seeing it.
FS:Music: Henry V & Organ Concerto. Nice 2 twist. side by side loop - one of them popped. Throw 2 sal (down and into boards).Throw 2 loop. Side by side split flip=2toe-2loop. Side by side 2 loop.
Katelyn Uhlig & Colin Loomis, Ann Arbor FSC - Photos: Short
SP:9 Music: The Messiah Will Come Again By Gary Moore. I really liked the choreography of this program. (Kelly Johnson is listed as their Chor.). SxS 2 loop. Lift fine. Throw 2? 3? toe - she fell. 2 twist is nice. SxS spins on.
FS:Music: The Journey of Man (Cirque). 2 Twist. Throw 2 loop. Side by Side jumps Side by Side spin. Lice lift - bent leg star with changes of position. Side by side 2 fli-2toe. Lovely program with interesting choreography.
Lucy Galleher & Justin Gaumond, Denver FSC/All Year FSC - Photos: Short
SP: 10 Music:Yanni.Nice 2 twist. SxS 2 axel (he was short of rotation). Great Star with flip out. Throw 2 toe. SxS spin off and on. Stuttered in death Spiral. They were slower than most of this field.
FS: Music: Cirque. 2 twist. Side by side axel (she 2 footed). Star lift with flip out. Throw 2 sal. Star - the crosses her foot and it becomes a carry lift. Throw 2 toe axel. Side by sied 2 toe-step-2 toe.
Jenna Yount & Grant Marron, Coyotes SC of Arizona - Photos: Short
SP: 5 Music:Here Comes The Snake. 2 Twist. Throw 3 toe (short of rotation). SxS 2 axel (his landing rough). SxS spin off at end. Lift looked like a struggle.
FS:Music:Sleeping Beauty. Throw 3 sal. 2 twist (low). Side by Side 2 axel (she 2 foot/pop)-step-2toe. Lift OK - looks like a strain. And another lift. Throw 3 loop. Trouble on SxS spin. SxS 2 axel (she step out). Lift to 1 hand.
Lindsey Seitz & Andy Seitz, Orange County FSC/FSC of the Quad-Cities - Photos: Short
SP:8 Music: Edward Scissorhands. SxS 2 loop. 2 Twist. Throw 2 toe axel. Really nice opening sequence.This music is lovely - dreamy and wintery. SxS spins good. Lift down a bit early, but smoothly.
FS:Music:Shrek 2 Twist (She grabbed his neck in the landing). Throw 2 sal. Nice throw 2 loop (hand down, step out). Lift. 2 flip-2 toe. Side by Side Spin a littel off, they got it back. Unusual reverse Split lift with scary dismount. Late end.
Keauna McLaughlin & Ethan Burgess, All Year FSC - Photos: Short
SP:6 Music: Santa Esmerelda, House of the Rising Sun. Big height difference. Big 2 twist. SxS 2 axel. Throw 2 toe nice. Lift with fli out. SxS spins ok. Pair spin a
little rough.
FS:Music: Scherazade. They dressed him in birgundy from neck to boot and put her in a bare midrift. This did not help the look of their height difference.2 flip-step-2 toe. 2 twist (huge). throw 2 loop. Side by side 2 axel. COmplex lifts. Throw 2 sal. Side by Side spin, on, but simple. Star, change of position, flip out.
Eden Delphey & Cole Davis, San Diego FSC/Escondido FSC - Photos: Short
SP:13 Music:Race (ugh -2nd one so far). Thrwo 2 toe. Lift never went up. SxS 2 loop. SxS spins off. 2 twist.
FS:Music:Moulin Rouge. Throw 3 sal (fall). Platter down early. Other lift they went right through. 2 twist. Side by side jumps she fell on (2 flip?). Wobbly lift. Music sounds like it has lyrics.
Julia Vlassov & Drew Meekins - Photos: Short
SP:3 Music: Picante by Vanessa. SxS 2 axel - he fell. Throw 2 toe. 2 twist. lift OK.
FS:Music:Paychek Soundtrack. 2 Axel. Throw 3 Toe. 1? Twist. SxS 2 lutz? Flip? Step-2 toe. Cool entrance to throw 3 sal. Like like Artur show move where he carries hee in out streched arms in corcles and then launches her. Cool lift where she "dangles". Weak Death Spiral. Spin ok. Lift didn't go up.
Mariel Miller & Rockne Brubaker, Broadmoor SC - Photos: Short
SP: 1 Music: Romeo and Juliette (Zeferelli version). 2twist was amazing. Lift was solid. Throw 3 toe. SxS 2 axel. Change edge pair spiral - lovely. This was a wonderful program. Very enjoyable. She did do a Butt up Death spiral at the end though.
FS:Music: Pearl Harbor. 3? Twist. 3 sal. Lift with flip out. 2 axel. 2axel-step-2 toe. Bent leg star lift. Thrwo 3 toe. Side by Side spins. Death Spiral weak. Final pair spin died
Aaryn Smith & Will Chitwood, Broadmoor SC - Photos: Short
SP:4 Music: Jumping Jack Flash,Paint it Black (both -I bitterly note -from well before they were born - which makes it pratically classical for them.)2 Twist. SxS 2 axel (little squirrley on the landing of his). SxS spin fine. Another change edge pair spiral - yeah!. Star lift with flip out. Death Spiral with change of leg position.
FS:Music:Phantom Twist. Throw 3 sal (2 foot). Side by Side 2 axel (she has a very different approach from his). Star lift. Throw loop (faqll). Axel-toe sequence is a mess. Side by Side spins OK til end. Lift scrapey. Travelling Death Spiral. Side star with twist.
Sydney Schmidt & Christopher Pottenger, Dallas FSC - Photos: Short
SP:7 Music:Count of Monte Cristo (who makes a hell of a sandwich).2 Twist. SXS 2 loop. Throw 2 toe. Lift was rough - they were trying to transition to an upside down part at the end of it, but they looked like they got scared and rushed out of the position to get her back down. They did their spiral to music that sounded like footwork to me.
FS:Music:The Tales of Beatriz Potter.Great 2 twist. Lift. Throw 3 sal. Side by Side 2 loops. Side star-one hand-toss out. Throw 2 loop. Sxs Spins good and close. Press lift to one hand. 2 flip-1/2?-2 toe.

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Last updated: January 16, 2005 9:56 PM