Overall Impressions: Wide range between the first and last place couple. Even
I could see the difference. And I am by NO means an expert. But I did enjoy watching
the event. Everyone had lovely posture and extension. A nice chance to see some
solid basic skating. And of course, the rules state all dancers must be impossibly
attractive, so everyone was very nice to look at.
- Allapach & Matthews - A very nice looking pair - well-matched and very
nice lines, but danced like they were very new together. Noticeably slower
& farther apart than the other teams (my notes on the Paso say "in
different time zones"). Even to my not at all expert eye they were a
clear last place throughout the event.
- Langhans & Braasch - Clearly the first place team. Faster, cleaner (though
not perfect) dances. From the first pass of the first dance I knew they were
the team to beat.
- Johnson & Wright. Out of synch in a few parts of the European Waltz.
Looked they missed a step in the end pattern on one pass of the tango. No
catastrophes, but just enough off to keep them out of first.
- Rosenberg & Westenberg - This team and the next were "neck &
neck" to my eye. There was a noticeable amount of "skidding"
or "scraping" to their dances, particularly on his three turns and
their separation was a little much in the corners. But they had nice extension
and decent synch.
- Palmer & Leighton - This was a "tidy" and neat team that had
some serious faults in their compulsories. They were too separated near the
end of the Tango and they had real trouble after the first round of the European
Waltz. There appears to have been a problem on the Paso as well, but my note
inexplicably says "foosh 1st judge pass sharp edges". Perhaps they
swooped a free leg too near a judge's head for my comfort??? No idea what
I meant